
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Those whose foreheads are marked as Ghani (not in need of anyone) by the Allah سبحانہ تعالی

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

There’s a good news for the one who remembers the Almighty and His Beloved Prophet       (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)soon after waking up. He drenches himself into the love of Allah and His Beloved Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). His forehead is marked as Ghani by the Allah Almighty and whoever is declared as Ghani by the Lord Almighty can never be made helpless by anyone in the universe, even if the whole world may attempt to cheat him or trick him down. He remains saved from the evilness of the evils and wrongs of the wrongful. I swear in the name of Allah that no one can make him poor who is made rich by the Allah Almighty.

Those whose foreheads are marked as Faqeer (permanent needy) by the Almighty

For the person who does not think about pleasing the All-Graceful Allah Almighty after waking up and is devoid of love for His Beloved Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) and rather focuses on the world and the worldly desires is destined as Faqeer by the Allah Almighty. The wealth of the whole world, the bounties of the whole universe and the reign of the whole world cannot make him rich and well up and he will be destined as a needy forever.

The treasures of the unseen

This is an open fact that whosoever my Allah Almighty wants to bless then He blesses him with the treasures of the unseen, while whosoever is looking at the people’s pockets, he may get it but it does not groom him to betterment. Instead the one always attentive to the Allah Almighty’s Blessings will not only be blessed but also his future generations upon generation would get its fruit.

Illegitimate never get a boom:

I met a person who said; I was a minister once and enjoyed a very high repute. I was quite popular and made plentiful money during my reign. I earned a lot but could save nothing. Then he blew on his palm and said everything gone like dust on his palm. I replied to him that actually he had plenty but not the blessing. I always quote the example that the Haram animals like dogs give birth to a huge number of cubs in one go while a halal animal like a sheep gives birth to one or two calves with a rare exception of those who bear three at a time. In theory there should be more cubs than the calves as the dog bears more offspring as compared to a sheep. But always keep in mind that the illegitimate though looks a lot but never gets saved.

Explanation by Hadhrat Khawaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaaki (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ):

Hadhrat Khawaja Qutub uddin Bakhtiyar Kaaki (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) was one of the eminent spiritual personalities and he was one of the premiers of the famous Chishtiya Chain of spirituality. Once a guy came to him and asked: why do the sheep have flocks? He  replied that the reason was that the Halal Animal always sacrifices e.g. a sheep renders it’s everything including its skin, flesh and bones for someone else and that sacrifice is then accepted by the Allah Almighty who makes its kind as evergreen and grooming.

Sacrifice yourself to gain everlasting joys:

This is one of the Divine principles that whosoever will sacrifice will enjoy the unending blessings of the Almighty.  This is one of the Divine Promises. Whether you sacrifice in the form of bearing the summer’s heat, or leave your house and family that you love. The whole creations is urging you not to do and even objecting to it and trying to dissuade you from adopting any Sunnah or remembering Him or meditating and contemplating about Him or sacrificing to adopt veil. In short whichever field of life you would sacrifice will get a boom and everlasting joys. Although Hadhrat Ismail (علیہ السلام) did not appear to be slaughtered but the intention of sacrifice was perfect in itself and even he was put under the knife and the knife rolled as well but there was not even a droplet of blood as it was not destined by the Allah Almighty. He demands the sacrifices but seldom takes them. Even we are not capable of rendering any sacrifice too.

Why Allah Almighty requires Sacrifice?

The Allah Almighty demands the sacrifice and the reason was to judge the person if he belongs to Him or belongs to the worldly desires. Is he a man of Allah or a man of dinar/dirham/pound or dollar? This world is associated with different kinds of resources and compulsions. After associating all this the lord Almighty decided to judge whosoever turns out to be truly faithful to him

I was chatting with my Lord rather than the demons:

Hadhrat Mian Sher Muhammed Sharaqpuri (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) was a very pious and highly spiritual person. Once he was going somewhere and he was moving his lips like chatting with someone but no one was visible around him. The people asked him who was he chatting with as there was apparently no one around him. They asked him if he was chatting with the demons and other hidden creations. Upon this, he replied No, I was rather chatting with my Lord Almighty and was telling him about my miseries and was begging him for his favours against my needs. I was chatting with Him like I was sitting with Him. He further said that his imagination was such that like the Almighty is sitting on a high chair and I am standing before him with my hands tied in humbleness and I am begging him for this and that. O Allah I am worried and aggrieved. I have these troubles and sorrows. He further said that all this was happening in his imagination while apparently he was just walking away but the internal condition of his heart was such that he was begging from the Almighty for His favours and Bounties sincerely. So Hadhrat Mian Sahib (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) said that he was not chatting with the invisible creatures, rather he was chatting with the Allah Almighty.  (To be continued)

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